1#4 Kate Worthington: the RAW Adventurer, part 1

“There’s so much that I want to explore.” 


Episode #4…

… says hello to Kate Worthington. In 2008 Kate and her husband Ross* founded the outdoor activities company RAW Adventures. Based beneath the shadow of Snowdon/Yr Wyddfa they’ve spent the past decade-plus helping people discover the challenges, beauty, and excitement of the North Walian hills.

When not leading clients up Britain’s busiest mountain, orchestrating festival-sized events, or helping people achieve ambitions ranging from the Duke of Edinburgh Award to Winter Mountain Skills courses… Kate likes to relax by running marathon distance races across peaks and through heather and bog. And work on her wilderness medical skills. And raise her daughter. And appear on this podcast. How did she find the time…?

*(subtle hint for “part 2”)

To learn all about RAW Adventures point your browser here… raw-adventures.co.uk

[episode recorded on 24/11/20]

00:00 - Introduction

03:12 - Welcome

06:28 - All about RAW Adventures

12:10 - Outdoor qualifications and all the mountain leaderships

14:30 - A year working for Mountain Training

17:50 - “Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician”… as dramatic as it sounds?

18:28 - An interlude for Nonny the Dog 

22:22 - “Lightning strikes… penetrating wounds… chainsaws… car collisions…”

25:00 - “Can you just give her some morphine to shut her up…?”

31:00 - Love blossoms at Plas y Brenin

37:08 - Mountain running, fell running, night races… and the Dragon’s Back

41:14 - “… all in the dark, all waist-high heather and bog… but just a great adventure!”

45:15 - “… a big homogenous lump of experience in my belly”

47:32 - Running off the Ballachulish Horseshoe in B3 winter boots

51:30 - Mountains vs. parenting    

57:30 - Greatest Mountain Memory: walking in Wasdale with Dad

59:20 -  Time, money, freedom… where do you go? A whole summer and winter exploring Scotland


1#5 Ross Worthington: the RAW Adventurer, part 2


1#3 Nina Schlesener: the Berchtesgaden Guide